jimwilbourne.com: April 2004


Friday, April 30, 2004

Almost There...

Eric is working on his Strat, and I'm working on my Les Paul.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

I've got too lazy to update... I'll do it when I'm up to it...

Post a memory of me in the comments. it can be anything you want. then post this to your journal and see what people remember of you.
::Daily Lyrics:: - But it's okay to come around/ With nights like this are never ending/ I tried so hard to make this perfect/ You and I somehow/ We can't see eye to eye together/ We always knew that you worked better ~ "Baby Blue" - The Early November

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

The Voice Inviting Me Away...

Jim - As much as I love Science... That science test made me gray today... We hardly did anything in class with it, and that's where I learn.. in class... I don't get much out of HW or reading independently (unless I'm really interested in it) or even studying... Classtime is critical and we didn't really have it...3 more weeks until exams and I'm about to kill people...
I love life...
::Daily Lyrics:: - And in a dream I'm a different me/ With a perfect you/ We fit perfectly/ And for once in my life I feel complete/ And I still want to ruin it/ Afraid to look/ As clear as day/ This plan has long been underway ~ "Even Deeper" - NIN

Monday, April 19, 2004

So Much Wrong With Taking The Back Street...

Jim - Nothing to say but.................... I ACED SPANISH!!!..... 100 BABY!!!!....... BAM!!... okay.. that's out... I got the Drive thru DVD and the NFG DVD from nick....watching them now... blah..... I'm out... oh... and new song

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Can't Be Your Superman...

Jim - Today was awful... but it's okay... I have my music to cheer me up.... oh wait... a plant spilled all over my black CD player and it doesn't work now..... grrr.... yup... it's over... wait... the DVD player with surround sound can play CDs... my life is saved!... ::Handel's Hallelujah Chorus plays::... I'm hungry... me want eat... HAHAHA... Canada...
I had to listen to this eminem song countless days when I carpooled with Mrs. Mary... so I memorized the lyrics... and now it's in my head... grrr...
::Daily Lyrics:: - But I do know one thing though, bitches, they come they go... Saturday through Sunday, Monday, Monday through Sunday yo/ Maybe I'll love you one day, maybe we'll someday grow, till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin' runway ho ~ "Superman" - Eminem

Thursday, April 15, 2004

She Says It's All Gonna End And It Might As Well Be My Fault....

Jim - I'm just finished my HW and I'm tired... but I'll just leave you with the Sestina I hard to write for lit... it was hard because of the pattern you hard follow... blah...

Looking Past The Rain

Looking out the window to the summer's rain
Look through the portal of man's heart
Peering at the secrets of nature's mark
And he reveres the part he'll only understand with time
"It's only human," says Life "to contemplate the world's wonder"
And it's only human to fear the unknown

Looking out into the unknown
Man's vision is tainted like the view through the dark rain
He can only glimpse at the secrets of wonder
He can only imagine what nature holds at heart
And every moment he looks again, he asks himself, "Will I grasp it this time?"
But time after time it's not the right mark

Man's own thinking and logic is all that he can mark
For he can't judge what he knows to be unknown
Whether man will submit to his limits of knowledge will be told only with time
Or will he continue to learn all things just as he discovered what drives the rain?
To him will nature's wisdom open its heart?
Or will she leave him breathless to wonder?

Man withdraws from the porthole in wonder
And reaches for something he has given good mark
He finds he can only truly trust what's in his heart
And can never truly rely on the unknown
Whithersoever he looks in his heart and through the pane is as rain
And he prays that the wisdom to know the difference will come with time

A new generation and a new man comes with time
A wiser man or a stronger man, you can only wonder
But this man looks beyond the rain
This man dares to truly conceive nature's mark
He discovers what his forefathers saw as unknown
But to no avail, for sees more rain past the pane and past his heart

Perhaps the wall is the heart
Perhaps after all this time
The bleak view of the unknown
The same to which we gaped in wonder
Cannot be labeled with a humanly mark
For perhaps it's the heart that truly conjures the rain

Looking into the unknown and staring in blank wonder
Maybe we shouldn't waste time finding the mark
But first clear the heart to see the indefinite world that lies past the rain

::Daily Lyrics:: - She believes that life is made up of all that you're used to/ And the clock on the wall has been stuck at three for days, and days/ She thinks that happiness is a mat that sits on her doorway/ But outside it's stopped raining ~ "3 AM" - Matchbox 20

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I'm Just Tryin' To Relax!!!...

Uh Huh...

Jim - Man... so many great albums are getting ready to come out.... yup... the mark of spring. We've got Senses Fail Coming out, The Used (early summer more than likely), New Found Glory (who sound completely different... seriously... completely), Estrela's new EP is coming out (with the song from their single), Taking Back Sunday is coming out with something I think... And Jenoah, hellogoodbye, and Ace Troubleshooter already have their's out... man... there's more... I just gotta think of them... anyway... blah... it's almost the end of the year... Mrs. Myers told me to contact her then about voice lessons... SCORE! that will be great... 30 minutes a week I think it will be... which reminds me... I gotta pick a song for Musical Theatre... blah... I leave you with this quote:
"Thank God I'm an atheist!" - Karla
HAHAHA....... okay... I'm shutting up...
::Daily Lyrics:: - Sweet blasphemy, my giving tree/ It hasn't rained in years/ I bring to you this sacrificial offering of virgin ears/ Leave it to me, I'll remain free/ From all the comforts home/ And where that is, I'm pleased as pissed to say/ I'll never really know ~ "All On Black" - Alkaline Trio

QUAKER?!?!.... no way...

Your Results:

1. Orthodox Quaker (99%)

2. Seventh Day Adventist (91%)

3. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (87%)

4. Eastern Orthodox (77%)

5. Roman Catholic (77%)

6. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (70%)

7. Liberal Quakers (54%)

8. Orthodox Judaism (52%)

9. Islam (49%)

10. Bahá'í Faith (49%)

11. Unitarian Universalism (45%)

12. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (42%)

13. Jehovah's Witness (42%)

14. Sikhism (40%)

15. Hinduism (37%)

16. Jainism (35%)

17. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (35%)

18. Reform Judaism (35%)

19. Mahayana Buddhism (33%)

20. Theravada Buddhism (32%)

21. New Age (25%)

22. Scientology (25%)

23. Neo-Pagan (24%)

24. Secular Humanism (21%)

25. New Thought (19%)

26. Taoism (18%)

27. Non-theist (17%)

Sunday, April 11, 2004

In Time The Seasons Will Seal These Shards...

Jim - MOOOOOOOOOOOHAHAHA!!!!!!... back to SCHOOL!!! YES!!... time to start the exam and finals countdown... a sad countdown at that... man... This year has really flown by. I can't believe I've survived another year at DFA. But the year isn't over yet... man.... I'm almost a junior... gosh... okay... time to admit one of my fears... I'm kind of afraid of growing up... you know... I'd love to be a kid all my life... actually... I'd love to be 12 all my life... 12 was great... no big growing pains... you found out that you could like girls and they wouldn't give you cooties - but relationships weren't a bother... you had all teenage years for that... Man... people (young adults) tell me "Joey, have fun in Highschool because you can never do those years over." well... I intend to have fun... Life goes on...well... another weekend comes to a close, another day passes... another hour comes to a close another minute passes... the day closes with more sorrows
::Daily Lyrics:: - That sometimes words give up/ And silently walk off the edge the edge of the page/ And here the cry opens up and reveals the word inside/ The crack in the porcelain ~ "Porcelain" - Thursday

Friday, April 09, 2004

I Guess That's The Way It Goes...

Jim -
A Sonnet for the Living

What are you trying to say
That I'm weak and feeble?
Who are you to prejustice?
Who are you to reach out and slap me in the face?
I make amends...
I keep the damages small
Only to find myself trapped
Trapped is secluded
Secluded is alone
Alone is only one
And alone is its own death
For the one is the only
Only one to cause it
And only one can reverse it...
::Daily Lyrics:: - And It's not like I don't miss you/ It's not like you aren't my friend/ It's not like I don't hate myself/ for things I've done again and again/ And it's not like I have anybody/ It's not like anybody's a-listening~ "Spitfire and Boycotting" - Chelsea Logue

Wednesday, April 07, 2004


Nothing Really Matters...

Jim - hmmmm today was full of nothing... and empty of everything... when I hit the bottom I sailed into the sky... it stretched me to the limits so that I couldn't be crushed anymore... the blinding darkness in the deafening silence of noise... noise... it reminded me to forget what I used to know and to remember what I never could think of... it gave me nothing to do but everything which it took away... the resurrection of my living, immortal soul... my soul... immortal... maybe just this once I can do something worth nothing... and stand idle while my passive ways prove to be all the world of value...
the noise... my soul... immortal...

Yup you guessed it... I played music all day... blah... time to play some more...
::Daily Lyrics:: - I see a little silhouetto of a man/ Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the Fandango/ Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening me/ Galileo (Galileo)/ Galileo (Galileo)/ Galileo figaro (Magnifico)/ I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me/ He's just a poor boy from a poor family/ Spare him his life from this monstrosity/ Easy come easy go, will you let me go/ Bismillah! No, we will not let you go, let him go/ Bismillah! We will not let you go, let him go/ Bismillah! We will not let you go, let me go/ Will not let you go, let me go/ Will not let you go let me go/ No, no, no, no, no, no, no/ Mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go/ Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me ~ "Bohemian Rhapsody" - Queen

From Colleen's Journal I Stole...

1. name: Jim... Joey... both of them are answering...
2. single or taken: taken
3. sex: what's that supposed to mean?
4. hair color: dark dark.... dark brown
5. eye color: brown

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. who are your best friends?: define that... Colleen... ummmm... and some other people...
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yeah....

f a s h i o n s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: the black market in Nicaragua
2. whats better, pants or tops?: pants

s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: nope
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: pert plus
3. what are you most scared of?: clowns
5. who is the last person that called you?: Stan
6. where do you want to get married?: I don't know...
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 20
8. have you ever been in love? yes... I suppose

f a v o r i t e s
1. color: black
2. food: n/a
3. boys names: uhhh.... I don't know
4. girls names: Summer, Autumn, Khaki
5. subjects in school: Science... if you dont' count chorus o'course
6. animals: fox... FOXY FOXY!
7. sports: soccer....

h a v e y o u e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: everyday
2. smoked?: no
3. bungee jumped?: no
4. made yourself throw up?: no... stupid...
5. skinny dipped?: hehe... once
6: ever been in love?: I suppose... I LOVE COLLEEN!!
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no...
8. pictured your crush naked?: errrr..... no... I don't think... no...
9. actually seen your crush naked?: err... what kind fo freak do you think I am...?
10. cried when someone died?: only once...
11. lied: not very often... no reason to...
12. fallen for your best friend?: yes..
13. been rejected?: HA!... reject Jim???... yeah...
14. rejected someone?: no
15. used someone?: no
16. done something you regret?: yes

c u r r e n t
clothes: PJs!!!... balck socks... whiel shirt... blue pants... I have on my shoes...
make-up: I don't wear that often
annoyance: My mother
smell: the ice cream my mother is eating
favorite band: err... ummm... it changes like every other day... ummm so... I'll go with hellogoodbye
desktop picture: star trek pic
book youre reading: Serpent Mage, book 4 of the Death Gate Cycle series
in cd player: Page Avenue by soty, Beatles 1 by The Beatles, Trial By Jury opera
in dvd player: The Used EP DVD
color of toenails: normal...

l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched in a sexual way: who would do that?
hugged: one of my relatives...
who imed you: Colleen
you yelled at: I don't know... it's been months... years maybe
you kissed: err... I don't know...

a r e | y o u
understanding: oh yeah
open-minded: for the most part

arrogant: some might say I am
insecure: am I?... it doens't matter... I suck...
interesting: as a doorknob
random: at times
hungry: not right now
smart: not to boast but... yeah, I am
moody: nah
hard working: you have to be to live at my place
organized: to a degree
healthy: quite... except that I'm far underweight
shy: at times...
attractive: HAHHAHAHAHAHAH... that's funny
bored easily: no I'm easily entertained
messy: no
obsessed: sometimes
stubborn: ... okay... yeah... I guess
a tease: I can be

In the morning i am: manly looking
all i need right now is: COURTNEY!
love is: nice
i dream about: going on tour

o p p o s i t e s e x
what do you notice first: shoes... which is weird... I don't know how colly came up with that...I think she heard me say somethign about it and copied me...
last person you slow danced with: ..... no one...
makes you laugh the most: myself...
makes you smile: Colleen
who do you have a crush on: Courtney
who has a crush on you: I don't care anymore...

d o y o u e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: *sigh*... yes
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: sometimes
wish you were younger: sometimes
cried because someone said something to you?: *sniff*... yes...

N u m b e r
of people who ever broke my heart: 2
of hearts i have broken: ... none
of guys ive kissed: none
of girls ive kissed: 2...... but one kissed me..... so...
of continents i have lived in: 2 if you count central America seperate
of very very close friends: 0
of cds i own: I can't count them all
of scars on my body: I don't know

F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s
1. do you like fillings these out?: yup
2. gold or silver: silver
3. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: no idea... the passion... I dont' know...
4. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: cold cereal... toast...
5. who would you love being locked in a room overnight with?: Colleen... or someone cool...
7. would you color your hair?: black
8. how many people are on your buddy list?: 123
9. drink alcohol?: no

Monday, April 05, 2004

Just Wait Until Your Heart Breaks...

Jim - hmmmm ... Might as well continue the trend...I've been driving all around town today shopping and stuff with my cousin. tom. I have to spend time with my younger cousins... I finally got something to read from borders... I have no practice room anymore because someone is sleeping in my office... so... I had to take my HEAVY 150 watt amp UP stairs to my room. I'm gonna annoy my mother to death tonight with it... man... I just want to hear it at full power just once... I've never turned it past 1/2 it's power... because that 1/2 is really loud. I'm listening to the Shorter college CD again right now... I can't wait until I get to go and visit the college... blah... don't have anything to say... I'm out...... oh.... new song... "I Want You Back" originally done by the Jackson 5... this version is done by Steel Train in their cover CD entitled "1969" (music from that year and years really close to it)
::Daily Lyrics:: - These girls are crazy.../ Just listen to what I have to say about it/ You've gotta watch out for the younger ones/ They'll tightly wrap you around their fingers/ And brag to all their friends/ It's nothing but a game to them/ Then target you with their eyes/ And move with their lips/ And it pulls you in/ She shuts you down with her voice again/ And now are you listening?/ This song goes out to girls/ That we haven't met just yet/ This song is for stupid girls/ Who think that every boy is all about them ~ "Boy Crazy" - New Found Glory

Saturday, April 03, 2004

He Couldn't Believe How Easy It Was...

Jim - Maybe I'm the only one that has noticed this... but I have been consecutively posting every other day for some weeks now... I've never done that before... it's usually without any defined pattern... I didn't do it purposely either... blah...
Echoing Voice - You're rambling again, Jim
Jim - Oh yeah.... sorry...
Echoing Voice - Always willing to help...
Jim - "Today I fell... and felt better".... BLAH!... anyway. I've been working on my Solo Project (musicians always have something in the works). It's going along good... just me, my piano, and guitar... Piano wise, I've already got two songs ready... for guitar, I'm working on 2. For my Duet Project (My other backup plan)... one song is in the making ... it's finished... music that is... but nick has to finish the lyrics. The Solo Project is a Piano/Acoustic music - unlyriced. The Duet Project is just Me and Nick... I'm not sure how much of keyboards I'm putting into it, but it's Guitar Indie Emo... Mostly Acoustic... I'm changing my genre pace... because by my senior year, I have to catch up with Lance and start on my Mass.... I think I'm gonna start with the Kyrie. I think I'm gonna dust off my violin and start a music project with that when I get into college... along with my Band and Vocal projects...
Echoing Voice - You're boring... your audience is leaving...
Jim - WHO ARE YOU?!?!
Echoing Voice - I am the one who begins with the sun's bri--
Jim - AHH!... Nevermind... Forget I asked... I'm out...
::Daily Lyrics:: - everything's blue/ In this world/ The deepest shade of mushroom blue/ All fuzzy/ Spilling out of my head ~ "The Downward Spiral" - NIN

Thursday, April 01, 2004


Jim -
Good News - Paige let me borrow her Beatle's 1 CD
Bad News - It's almost the weekend....

Must listen to music...