In Time The Seasons Will Seal These Shards...
Jim - MOOOOOOOOOOOHAHAHA!!!!!!... back to SCHOOL!!! YES!!... time to start the exam and finals countdown... a sad countdown at that... man... This year has really flown by. I can't believe I've survived another year at DFA. But the year isn't over yet... man.... I'm almost a junior... gosh... okay... time to admit one of my fears... I'm kind of afraid of growing up... you know... I'd love to be a kid all my life... actually... I'd love to be 12 all my life... 12 was great... no big growing pains... you found out that you could like girls and they wouldn't give you cooties - but relationships weren't a bother... you had all teenage years for that... Man... people (young adults) tell me "Joey, have fun in Highschool because you can never do those years over." well... I intend to have fun... Life goes on...well... another weekend comes to a close, another day passes... another hour comes to a close another minute passes... the day closes with more sorrows
::Daily Lyrics:: - That sometimes words give up/ And silently walk off the edge the edge of the page/ And here the cry opens up and reveals the word inside/ The crack in the porcelain ~ "Porcelain" - Thursday
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