jimwilbourne.com: November 2004


Sunday, November 21, 2004

Glass Shatters And Comes To A Halt...

Jim - This weekend has been interesting... Saturday was fun... to the lake with our church youth group. It was a lot of fun because Jeff and Jasmine were there. Jasmine brought a friend and she was cool. Anywho... afterwards I left with them. Some South Carolina Cop wanted to pull me over. We were going down the road and I crossed over to pass this one dude that was going 5 under the speed limit. I went 65 mph (5 over the speed limit) to pass him right in front of the cop... So the cop comes does this u-turn onto the road and starts pursuing like 3 cars behind. I just pretended I didn't see him... good thing I was like 30 seconds away from the GA state line... Then After I crossed it he was still coming and we were all like "You better get your butt back over there... you can't get us now!" so he turned around after like a minute... Geez... 5 mph over the speed limit... I guess SC cops have something against kids in SUVs going 5-mph over the speed limit... Anyway... we hung out at Jeff's house for about 30 minutes - looking at at his many knives and swords and such... The I dropped Jasmine and her friend off at the church and tried to give Jasmine screaming lesson... being that we were listening to Senses Fail in my car.
Thanksgiving is this week and it starts on Wednesday for those who are in school. I usually don't care much for being out of school. But I need all the time out to work on the CD that I can.
Nick is back in town and things are gonna get interesting again... HA! I might have him for guest vocals for the CD... that would be fun... Considering he played a big role in helping me with this.
Blah... I think that's all for now. haha... I sound like someone actually reads this thing...
leave the nice notes that you always love to leave...
::Daily Lyrics:: - Time is running, its running on empty and the gas is running out/ I've decided that tonight is the night/ That I let love aside/ Full speed ahead this seems to be the place/ I've seen this once before/ Planned perfection sought in my dreams/ Hoping this would take you home ~ "It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door" - Underoath

Thursday, November 11, 2004

You're Signal's Weak and You're Feeling Low...

Jim - poop... well..... what's been going on in my life? Nothing really...
The Voice - Dude... your life is beyond boring... you're on freakin' vacation... what are you doing right now?
Jim - Well... right now, I'm typing this post and trying to figure out something to say... but I've been cleaning pretty much all day. What do you think I should talk about?
The Voice - I don't know... what's up with the "band"?
Jim - well... I don't know... I'm working on a demo tape right now... then Adam is gonna track accordingly... we're gonna have a lot of time to work on the album before the spring release... or summer release if things don't work out. But I wanna get this out about April...
The Voice - Haha... this kind of sounds like an interview... OH YEAH! tell them about the Furman CD
Jim - OOH! YES! It defines awesomeness. Furman puts out some good music. I got the 175 anniversary CD from Jolondon last week... I still have Berklee Conservatory as my first choice for college but Furman University is more than likely my second choice.
The Voice - and Halo 2?
Jim - Still waiting for the new shipment.... god, I'm by far ready to get that it. I'm not a big video game person, but Halo is monkin' awesome. Halo to is better from what I've heard and seen.
The Voice - Any closing words?
Jim - I'm pretty sure I didn't make the Grammy auditions... I left early so I wasn't available for call backs... it isn't that serious though... I'm going to LA for ACDA any way... no need to go there twice in 2 weeks... Missing too much school. But if by some freak chance I did make it, I won't turn it down. I can't win everything... but I do plan on doing something big this year... whether getting Adam to do a gig with me, doing "Honk!", or getting a lead in the Opera, I'm gonna do something... I want this to be my second to most fun year in highschool (second only to my senior year).
The Voice - a lot of closing words, you gave...
Jim - Dude... you sound like yoda...
The Voice OH! Don't forget to put a new song up on the journal... this one is getting old...
Jim - Yeah... right.. lets see...ummmm there are so many I wanna put up... but I think I'm gonna put up something.... OH!... "Mayday" by subseven.
The Voice - Sounds good... but I'm not really into your type of music much...
Jim - It's okay...
well... I'm out... Leave the nice notes that you love to leave so much!!!
::Daily Lyrics:: - Give it up 'cause I can see through you/ Give it up you know that I'd do anything for you/ It's obvious that you're feeling down/ And you don't want anyone around/ But you know that's exactly what you need/ So give it up now ~ "Give It Up" - Home Grown