You're Signal's Weak and You're Feeling Low...
Jim - poop... well..... what's been going on in my life? Nothing really...
The Voice - Dude... your life is beyond boring... you're on freakin' vacation... what are you doing right now?
Jim - Well... right now, I'm typing this post and trying to figure out something to say... but I've been cleaning pretty much all day. What do you think I should talk about?
The Voice - I don't know... what's up with the "band"?
Jim - well... I don't know... I'm working on a demo tape right now... then Adam is gonna track accordingly... we're gonna have a lot of time to work on the album before the spring release... or summer release if things don't work out. But I wanna get this out about April...
The Voice - Haha... this kind of sounds like an interview... OH YEAH! tell them about the Furman CD
Jim - OOH! YES! It defines awesomeness. Furman puts out some good music. I got the 175 anniversary CD from Jolondon last week... I still have Berklee Conservatory as my first choice for college but Furman University is more than likely my second choice.
The Voice - and Halo 2?
Jim - Still waiting for the new shipment.... god, I'm by far ready to get that it. I'm not a big video game person, but Halo is monkin' awesome. Halo to is better from what I've heard and seen.
The Voice - Any closing words?
Jim - I'm pretty sure I didn't make the Grammy auditions... I left early so I wasn't available for call backs... it isn't that serious though... I'm going to LA for ACDA any way... no need to go there twice in 2 weeks... Missing too much school. But if by some freak chance I did make it, I won't turn it down. I can't win everything... but I do plan on doing something big this year... whether getting Adam to do a gig with me, doing "Honk!", or getting a lead in the Opera, I'm gonna do something... I want this to be my second to most fun year in highschool (second only to my senior year).
The Voice - a lot of closing words, you gave...
Jim - Dude... you sound like yoda...
The Voice OH! Don't forget to put a new song up on the journal... this one is getting old...
Jim - Yeah... right.. lets see...ummmm there are so many I wanna put up... but I think I'm gonna put up something.... OH!... "Mayday" by subseven.
The Voice - Sounds good... but I'm not really into your type of music much...
Jim - It's okay...
well... I'm out... Leave the nice notes that you love to leave so much!!!
::Daily Lyrics:: - Give it up 'cause I can see through you/ Give it up you know that I'd do anything for you/ It's obvious that you're feeling down/ And you don't want anyone around/ But you know that's exactly what you need/ So give it up now ~ "Give It Up" - Home Grown
You know, The Voice sounds pretty hot to me. Could you introduce us sometime?
I hate auditions.
Halo 2 is not that big of a deal. "Meaningless, meaningless."
By Anonymous, at 7:04 PM
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