You Are The True Lord Of The Dance, No Matter What Those Idiots At Work Say...
Awaiting the new album due Sept. 7th, the new song is "Let It Enfold You" by Senses Fail
Jim - Interesting week... like most weeks at DFA... I have completed my first week as a junior. I drove to school everyday except Monday and Wednesday. I can finally get my parking permit Monday... I'm gonna get there at like 6:45 to insure my place... I hope... Very limited parking for the juniors... why must so many seniors drive?... Anyway... I finally got my Escape back today... it's all fixed... but I had no was like on the "E"... so I was like... crap...
I went to get some gas at the cheveron station by my house... and there were no places to gas except one and I had to swing around and back in this narrow strip between the pump and a huge Georgia Gas truck... when I was filling up, this lady comes up to me and was like:
Lady: "You're too young to be driving!"
Me: "Umm... Not really... I'm 16."
Lady: "OMG!... You don't look like... you look like you're 14!"
Me: "Yeah..."
Lady: "Who's Car is that? Your parent's?"
Me: "Umm... my mom owns it, but it's mine"
Lady: "I wouldn't let a child your age have a new car like that... you don't have the experience needed to make the best judgements"
Me: "Well... maybe not... but I do know how much gas my tank can hold" I pointed at the pump in her car, "You're spilling gas..."
Lady: "OMG! Why Didn't it stop?!"
The Musical Theatre thing was interesting... I thought I did good under the situations, but I won't go into that...
Leave those nice notes that you always do! :D
::Daily Lyrics:: - Libra/ A big promotion is just around the corner for someone much more talented that you/ Laughter is the very best medicine, remember that when your appendix bursts next week/ Scorpio/ Get ready for an unexpected trip when you call screaming from an open window/ Work a little harder on improving your low self-esteem, you stupid freak
~"Your Horoscope For Today" - Weird Al Yankovic
lmao.. dont u love it when 'adults' try to butt into everything acting like they know it all and they know better no matter WHAT ur situation is?? then only to be laughed at. grrr.. *hits lady*
By Anonymous, at 8:54 PM
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