My Heart's On Overdrive And You're Behind The Steering Wheel...
Jim - My Aunt died this Wednesday at about 8:00 PM... She had lived with us for 3 years.
Ahh yes... I love the smell of new material... music material for my line-up that is.... over the last 2 days I've been working on 2 new songs for my EP... Yes... It will be an EP now that I'll have at least 5 songs. Don't get me wrong - The two songs are FAR from complete... I could keep improving them for a good 2 months (sorry... I can really stretch things to pull out my full potential). I mean... Nick Crees will tell you, I wrote "Just For Fun" a year ago now and I think I've reached the point where I'm satisfied with how is sounds musically (I spruced up the bridge alot). "With More Sorrows" is my first project to record and I just added a little more too it (last minute crunching). I Didn't think I would have a solo part in that song, but I decided to add one after I heard the recording of it and I played along with it... Experimenting on how I could alter the sound, rhythm and other stuff to make it sound better. Well... I added a pause in the middle of the chorus and a lead part on the verses and I liked it better... Umm... "They Don't Know The Half Of It" is a very new song on the list anyway, so I'm still working on some things with it... although I already have a lead and cool things that happen in the chorus... The lead in "They Don't Know The Half Of It" is 10x more mature than the lead in "Just For Fun" and "With More Sorrows" (although the lead in "With More Sorrows" was written after this lead, it's not supposed to be really complex... just to add to to flavor).
The there's my Blues unlyriced song, which I need to work on. And my acoustic jazz song. I still don't know If I'm gonna put "Flickers On" or any of my piano music on it yet... I might as a bonus hidden track.. haha... I suck
I went to the mall this week and bought some shirts and went to Journey's and bought some cool beans shoes... My mom doesn't like them, but oh well... she doesn't have to wear them. I also bought 2 more Pins for my Bookbag that say "Music Lover" and "Can't sleep. Clowns will eat me."...
They took my precious car away... ::sniff::... so that it can be fixed. Oh well... it'll be good as new when it returns... I almost left my Josh Groban CD in there... but I saved it.
I can't wait until Open house on Wednesday. Open house always marks the restarting of my life. This time it starts my Junior year in HS. C/O '06... WHAT WHAT?!?!... or not... I can't wait to see my schedule
I know I'm gonna have Chorale period 7-8 and Musical Theatre period 11-12... I've had Literature period 9-10 for 3 years in a row now and they'd better not break tradition!...Aaaaand!!!!!!........
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!... I know... I'm a maniacal freak... but I'm soo happy I don't have that to weight me down... I have other things to worry about... People said Chem was HARD... I've never had to study for science in my life... will this end the trend??? DUM DUM DUMMM... but then again... they said bio was hard and I didn't have to study for that either... hmmm...
Oh well...
I get my License a week from today... Aug 6th: First Friday... but I won't be here for it... From there, we leave straight to go to Florida to my aunt's funeral... they are transporting the body there... I hate Funerals... I don't want to have a funeral when I die... I want a party!... Seriously.
WHOO!!... I started talking to Emily (one of colleen's friends at Richmond). She's cool... I wanna be just like her when I grow up!
Leave some nice notes and I'll give you a hug!
::Daily Lyrics:: - wanna kiss you every minute, every hour, every day/ You got me in a spin but everything is A.OK!/ Touching you, touching me/ Touching you, God you're touching me/ I believe in a thing called love/ Just listen to the rhythm of my hart/ There's a chance we could make it now/ We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down/ I believe in a thing called love/ Ooh! Guitar! ~ "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" - The Darkness
Friday, July 30, 2004
Annie Lou Cunningham (1932-2004) R.I.P.
I've been making my posts longer... but now they're more spaced out... hmmm...
ahhhhhh josh groban is the devil. i used to respect you jim....i dont know if i can anymore....(of course im kidding....about the not respecting you thing. not the josh groban thing...he sucks...)
By Anonymous, at 4:23 PM
You're my friend too Cam...
By Jim, at 3:34 PM
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