Let Your Waves Crash Down On Me And Take Me Away...
Jim - I hate Mr. Miller... I just got my report card today and it was great... well... kind of... I scanned the "P6" column... 82... 100... 77... 96...84... 87... 91... 85... wait a minute... 77 ?!?!?!... DARN YOU AND ALL YOUR CHILDREN'S 3RD COUSINS!!!... grr... WELL!... I tried harder than any six weeks in his class and I make a low grade... because he wouldn't let us turn in our labs after the exam... grr... I would have had at least a 90 in his class if he let us turn them in because I was running at an 88 (I hate 88s)... life sucks... but the 100s in Spanish is a good thing BAM! I'M THE MAN!... 2 six weeks and an exam! 100, 100, 100 said the row and I laughed aloud to myself with great passion at Dr. Larke's failure to fail me... hehehe... Man... too bad I'm never going to that woman's class EVER AGAIN! Anyway, I did pass and I am on my way to my junior year. SOMEHOW, I got mixed in the crowd in church and I now I find myself leading VBS for this year... how the weasel did I get in this one?... grr... I got Josh Gorban's album Closer. It's simply wonderful... If I was a chick, I'd love that guy... but that's me... I also rented my car out for the weekend ::tear::... but it's okay because I'm making $200 for it... I should do this more often... I found out that not only did my poem go to the semi-finals, but it got me nominated for the Who's Who in Poetry Highschool division as well, which opens the opportunity for many scholarships... what should I be: a writer of some form, a psychologist, or a musician?... I'd love to hear your opinion and why in the comments... I don't know I'm stupid... blah... you can still join my journal if you want... ::mumbles to self::
::Daily Lyrics:: - There's a piece of you that's here with me/ It's everywhere I go, it's everything I see/ When I sleep, I dream and it gets me by/ I can make believe that you're here tonight/ That you're here tonight ~ "Ocean Avenue" - Yellowcard
Saturday, May 29, 2004
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Forgive My Indecision... I Am Only A Man...
Jim - Summer is going by pretty slow so far... I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself... I might go to Virginia for a week and get away from home... Music, music, and more music pretty much defines summer for me. I do believe that I'm gonna go with nick and frank to warped tour in Atlanta.. maybe in South Carolina too... I really have nothing to say except I've been reading, and I think reading is cool beans... UMM... I know it isn't much for a long awaited entry, but I really have nothing more to say... maybe I'm just too shallow... I'm out...
::Daily Lyrics:: - Then again, you're always first when no one's on your side/ But then again, a day will come when I want off that ride/ Twelve pm and my dusty telephone rings/ Heavy head up from my pillow, who could it be?/ I hope it's you ~ "11 am" - Incubus
Saturday, May 22, 2004
It's Time To Say Goodbye...
Jim - It's over... Finally over... I have double feelings... as Always, I'm sad when school ends.... it's like leaving my family. But with the madness of it all, it's kind of a relief that it's done... Especially with Stracke's class. WHOO... never to go back again... Exam week was stressful, but I passed all my exams, so I'm happy... well... kind of... freakin' 81 in geometry... grr... anyway - Here I am... completely destroyed... I "buried myself alive on the inside. And if you want me back, you're going to have to ask nicer than that"... whoa... random Used lyrics... I've already started my projects in music and I think Nick and I are gonna through together a band before he leaves for college... a band liken unto SOTY... the perfect mix of hardcore and pop punk... but I hope it evolves to a more melodic/progressive/psychedelic sound.. ah yes... as oxymoronic as that may sound, I can do it... WHOO... I'm really too burned out to really continue on this post... I guess I'm too lazy... and as always... if you wanna make a joint effort on posting on my journal, feel free to ask.. it will be bunches and bunches of fun... ::sigh::... no one wants too... oh well...
Oh yeah... my poem went to the semi-finals for the 1,000 prize
::Daily Lyrics:: - Patience is gone but you've been left alone/ The troubles are trapped in your eyes/ You'll see me again/ No time to pretend/ Your everything, your anything, mine/ You've been wondering when your life begins/ I've seen the face of you tonight ~ "Control" - Rufio
Sunday, May 16, 2004
Yes, They're Sharing A Drink They Call Loneliness, But It's Better Than Drinking Alone
Jim - Exam week is once again on us... it's been a long and thrilling journey through the maze of school. Challenges of all levels... I love school. I bought 2 books to aid me during exam week (during those times of nothing to do after you finish your exam 45 minutes before the period is over). Although exams don't start until Tuesday, I have Geometry, Health, and PC. Apps first day. Followed but the next day of Spanish 2 and Lit. Thursday is the lone Chorale exam and Friday is US History and Biology... the only thing I miss about not having a lunch period is the time to do HW and the extended lunch hour given by exams. I am only truly afraid of the Spanish exam though World History seems a little intimidating as well. I'm gonna hate to have school to end... the only good thing I think that comes out of the end of this year is that I get to finally leave Spanish, never to go back again....MOOHAHA!!!...4 more days of her crap and I'm out of there!!!!...WHOO!...well..... another weekend come to a close and another day passes...
NOTE: if you want to join my blog just contact me... a note left on my blog is good enough... you have to click on that link below the comment sign in the says "Or Post Anonymously" (but I'd like you to leave your name with your post... I don't know everyone just by the way they write... unless you have blogger account or you want to join my blog... yup...
oh... and there's a new song...
::Daily Lyrics:: - It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday/ And the manager gives me a smile/ 'Cause he knows that it's me they've been comin' to see/ To forget about life for a while/ And the piano, it sounds like a carnival/ And the microphone smells like a beer/ And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar/ And say, "Man, what are you doin' here?" - "Piano Man" - Billy Joel
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Just Don't Take It Back...
Jim - MAN!!...... is life really supposed to be this stressful... I mean... grrness... okay anyway, here's the lowdown... Stress with the upcoming opera... gotta find music for musical theatre... exams in a few days... I'm behind in college (highschool is holding me back!!!)... I'm going through another semi-redefining moment... musically and relationship wise... musically, I'm just all creeped out about the mass I'm working on... I'm afraid to use modern chord progressions but it's so tempting... oh well... they'll probably kill me if I do... I've got the whole structure of my Kyrie down... I just gotta but it together now. relationship wise - I don't know... it seems everytime I figure it out, I gotta refigure out who my friends are... I mean.. Throughtout all of my time at DFA, there are a few people I know that have always really been my friend... Cameron & Noah are the main people there. I mean really... They've never really been like, "God.. you're annoying me, go away." Really... I think Cameron has always been one of my "closest" friends... it's weird when your mom asks you "Who's your best friend at school" and I'm like "Uhhh... I don't know..." Noah was my first friend at DFA... I mean... He actually went out of his way to actually talk to me. I really appreciate that... it's amazing... you should talk to people - it really makes a difference. I mean... it give people a sense of inclusion. Really... if all the good people reject an outcast, the bad people will let them in... and really... we don't need anymore bad people in the world... Enough rambling... I just gotta stick with my real friends... (this part of this entry was partly inspired by Eric's journal).
New Comments system... it's more like the Livejournal system... I think I like my old one better... but out with the old... if any of you guys want to be part of a joint partnership on this journal, let me know (that means you can post entries on this journal too under your own name)
::Daily Lyrics:: - Can we try for right now, free of doubt/ If you give the change I could try and figure out/ I'm kind of scared because I don't know how/ But I'm watching the close calls and catching my breath now/ There could be time when I'd fly away/ But you need to know that I'm coming back/ Don't want to push and pull anymore/ Just to get what I want, when you bring it all to me ~ "Runaway" - Mae
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Jim - WEELLLLLLLLLL!!..along with today being Cinco De Mayo!!!!... today was GREAT!... you have know idea... let me give you an idea... First, it was a general all-around good day... I mean... We basically had nothing to do in every class because so many people had testing... I know I should be in that group... I'm such an underachiever... I can take and pass every AP class if I really wanted to... it's the motivation I lack... perhaps I shall gain it... I really hope I do... anyway... Mrs. Groove's class is the best... I have nothing to do in that class but solve my Rubik's Cube several times over while the rest of the class struggles to work on a project... I've already got a 100 on mine. All I have to do is make mp3s (I'm the only one with that software at home to it in my class)... besides the fact that I taught Mrs. Groove a whole new software program. I listened to Michael Cohen and James Price talk at length about Grilled Cheese sandwiches and when they can go to James's house and eat some... I love life... Rehearsal after school was great... I think this might be good. Although there are still things to be worked out.
now... MAY IT PLEASE YOU MY LAD - GENTLE-EN WHO READ MY JOURAL OR ARE JUST SURFING BY: This is what I got in the mail today -
Dear Joseph,
Over the past several months, we have been reviewing the thousands of poems submitted to us, as well as examining the poetic accomplishments of people whose poetry has appeared on the Internet and in various editions released by other poetry publishers in America and Europe. After an exhaustive examination of this poetic artistry, The International Library of Poetry is pleased to inform you that you have been nominated for inclusion in ...
The International Who's Who in Poetry
Congratulations on your accomplishment, Joseph. We look forward to publishing your biographical information on a page dedicated entirely to you. Along with your biographical information, we plan to also include in depth information about your poetry, including your motivations, the meaning poetry has in your life, and your personal philosophical point of view. In addition to dedicating a page entirely to you and your personal background, we have also reserved a second complete page that will be used to showcase a new, unpublished poem that you will provide. This means that ...
The International Who's Who in Poetry will feature two full pages dedicated exclusively to Joseph Wilbourne!
The International Who's Who in Poetry will be among the finest quality and most interesting books we have ever produced. Poets from over twenty-five nations around the world will be featured. Every aspect of publication and design will display an uncompromising level of craftsmanship and attention to detail. This four hundred page coffee-table quality book will be printed in two colors on fine milled paper and will feature a highly detailed, ornate cover, and quality typography throughout. It will make a handsome addition to any library, a treasured family keepsake, or a highly valued personal gift.
Again, congratulations, Joseph. We enjoy your poetic artistry and look forward to dedicating two entire pages to you and your poetry in The International Who's Who in Poetry.
Howard Ely
Managing Editor
I left out the info about what I have to do next... like submitting my info and what not. But, the poem I won with, all of my faithful readers of this journal have already seen. If you haven't seen it yet, then it can be found Here At Poetry.com to get to mine, just type my Last name (Wilbourne), and my first (Joseph) and click on the poem, "Projection"... it's all beautified...
DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE HOW COOL IS THIS!!!... man when I become famous, Paige will defiantly get a cut of the money... plus she'll get recommendations from me personally.... haha... sorry... day dreaming there...
Monday, May 03, 2004
Saturday, May 01, 2004
I'll Keep My Feet Straight On The Ground...
Jim - hmmm... It's the weekend and I'm hating every moment of it. I really need to do something... crack out of this shell... do something worth something... break out... I just want my chance to break out... Sometimes I wish I didn't love music so... the bloody passion... I'm either thinking about things I'm gonna do with my mass, or new guitar rifts popping into my head... having to run to the piano or guitar every few minutes to play out something that pops into my head... it's madness... every time I see a band (like Adelphi who is on the background music of the journal right now) who I've watched since before they get really popular or get signed to a major label, it boosts my hopes... I have a special feeling towards people... just ordinary people doing what they love to do - play/sing music... and have the opportunity to share their music with the world... to share their passion... the bloody passion... every time a musician comes out with a new album that just overflows with progression... it shows how much they've matured since their last album... Sometimes I smile, sometimes I cry... it's a overwhelming feeling of pride... and continues to beckon me to advance as well... I need to advance while I can... like the saying goes - A artist has a lifetime to make their first album, but only a little while to make the next... it's never too early, I suppose, to be musically mature... but only when the passion I have for music shows throughout my music will I consider myself a accomplished composer...
The bloody passion...
::Daily Lyrics:: - Did you notice I was afraid?/ I thought I'd run out of things to say/ Two more hours until today burns this away/ And it starts all over again/ The sky will never look the same again/ Till you show me how it could be/ The sky will never look the same again/ Till you show me how it could be ~ "The Story So Far" - NFG