jimwilbourne.com: Dear America, I hope you're right


Monday, August 25, 2008

Dear America, I hope you're right

I seriously think this was the most poor democratic line ups (at least out of the three I can really remember in my short life).

I absolutely refuse to support Obama.

I tend to lean towards democratic ideals, I suppose like most people my age do, but Obama seems terribly unfit for office.

He's a great politician, that's obvious.
Being a great politician just means you have the ability to convince those who don't think & research for themselves that you're an amazing person.

Using obscure and vague speeches that run solely on the idea of "change" as opposed to specific ideals and a game plan its a great way to get people to follow behind you blindly. Furthermore, it's a great way to make your weaknesses in your "game plan" and flaws as a candidate seem nonexistent.

unfortunately for America, a good 70% of us are stupid when it comes to government, politics & the economy.

Dear America,
I hope you're right about Obama.