

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Halfway Between The Gutter And The Stars...

Jim - It's been a long time since I've written... So I'll start with........
It's a big conspiracy... Well.... the day started out bad... I'm catching a cold in addition to my sinus drainage... So my vocals isn't that good.... and I knew that wouldn't be a happy day in Chorale cuz I plan on trying out for the tenor solos and the bass solos (The tenor one is cooler though) ... the day gradually got better until Chorale when I had one of my insights... I saw someone that made me sad... It lasted for the rest of the day but I cheered gradually... until it was time to go home... then I dropped back again... I hate going home... I have to leave my family... Blah.. I get home and what do I find?... I got ANOTHER B+ on my Art Test... what they heck...... okay... let me clear this up for those of you who are now confused... I'm enrolled in college for art because of my high artistic abilities! HAHA!... sorry.... I not trying to boost or anything cuz you'll probably never see me drawing anything... and if you do, it'll probably look like crap cuz I don't apply my talents unless I'm really trying to draw something I feel that is worth my time... And not much has been worth my time since 7th grade when my interests STRONGLY shifted to music... Anyway... This is my 3rd test and I got another consecutive B+ and it's flustrating... Now I really understand what Paige feels like sometimes... They see ever single detail that isn't exactly right... But then... I still don't put in my full effort... I don't know if they realize it or not but... I'M JUST A KID!... AND THEY'RE JUDGING ME ON ADULT ART MAJOR STANDARDS... poop.... okay... lol..... I took the stress level test in health today and it was a thing where you add up your experiences ... a score under 200 means you life is going through hardly anything (I think these are the ranges...) ... 200 to like 300 is like a lot of stuff and over 300 is like too much..... well my stress level turned out to be 389... WHAT THE HECK?!?!... IF I WAS THAT STRESSED I'D BE LIKE YELLING AT THE WORLD OVER MY JOURNAL RIGHT NOW!... gosh... Anyway... that's your lovely tour of Jim's life...
NOTE: The Comments system isn't working because the guy that runs it had a problem when they stopped his account... so... it should be up as soon as it's fixed...
::Daily Lyrics:: - Don't be shive by the tone of my voice/ Just got my new weapon, the weapon of choice/ Listen to the sound of my voice/ I can chicken al loud, it's the weapon of choice ~ "Weapon Of Choice" - Fatboy Slim